We deliver expert direct training courses to departments, research centres, organisations and others to meet specific needs. We can offer face to face or online learning and supporting resources for learners to continue learning beyond their time with us in the room.
We have a range of tried and tested courses ready to deliver - see below for further information and testimonials
We are happy to design bespoke learning for particular groups and have significant experience of this tailored approach to learning for example with entry level academics, clinicians and professional researchers as well as national and international doctoral and postdoctoral learner groups. Feel free to contact us and discuss your needs.
Each of these courses run as 6 hours learning deliver or join together as multiple-day pathways. All learners have access to online learning materials to support their course.
Covering everything you need to know about doing a PhD, becoming a researcher, thinking about a gap for your work, reading academic literature , writing a proposal and funding.
Covering the basics of academic writing including finding and reading research, different types of review, drafting content, editing and when it is good enough.
Introducing learners to the importance of philosophy in research and covering important items such as epistemology, ontology and the difference between methods and methodology.
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